January CoreDX DDS Connection
Phone: 720.733.7906 Fax:866.725.4485 230 Third Street, Suite 260 Castle Rock, CO 80104 contact@twinoakscomputing.com www.twinoakscomputing.com |
January CoreDX DDS Connection 2022  Welcome to the Twin Oaks Computing, Inc Newsletter! Our monthly newsletter brings you news and information about Twin Oaks Computing and our CoreDX DDS middleware. Be sure to "like", "follow" and "friend" us on our Social Networking sites for fun facts, free giveaways, and stories about Communications Middleware, Technology, and Twin Oaks Computing. Upcoming Webinar: Discover What's New with DDS February 9, 2022 - 10am MST When you are busy with software development milestones, integration and testing activities, finding ad fixing bugs, demonstrations and product launches... it's easy to ignore your middleware. As long as it's working, it's easy to keep using it as you've been using it, and not actively pursue new features and functionality. Join Twin Oaks Computing to learn more about your already-purchased middleware features and to hear Twin Oaks Computing's plan for future CoreDX DDS development. In a session developed exclusively for CoreDX DDS customers, this webinar provides an overview of the CoreDX DDS features set - with a focus on newly released and upcoming capabilities. Target audience: This webinar targets technical audiences with CoreDX DDS experience who would like to take advantage of additional functions and features, or plan for future development with CoreDX DDS. Customized CoreDX DDS Training Twin Oaks Computing offers in-depth DDS training to help your architects and engineers design and implement high-performance, robust systems with CoreDX DDS. These trainings can be conducted virtually, or you choose the location: come to us in beautiful Colorado, or we come to you. When we conduct training online, or bring training to your facility, there are no limits to the number of attendees. Contact us to learn more or to schedule a CoreDX DDS training session. Try the full-featured CoreDX DDS product free for 30 days Check out the newest DDS standardized features and get your hands on the leading small footprint Data Distribution Service implementation to see what it can do for you. CoreDX DDS v5 continues to focus on resources and performance while incorporating new features and enhancements. Our evaluation copies include the full DDS API and standardized wire protocol, including:
With these enhanced features, CoreDX DDS is the perfect middleware solution to meet the challenges of today's Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) systems. Learn more here. The evaluation is available here for direct download for the most common platforms, including Linux, Solaris, and Windows. Download your free 30 day trial of CoreDX DDS here. Upcoming Events February 9, 2022: Waht's New with DDS, Webinar March 21-25, 2022: OMG Technical Meeting, Reston, VA, USA June 20-24, 2022: OMG Technical Meeting, Orlando, FL, USA September 19-23, 2022: OMG Technical Meeting, Burlingame, CA, USA December 5-9, 2022: OMG Technical Meeting, Austin, TX, USA