Twin Oaks Computing Expands
Twin Oaks Computing, Inc is pleased to announce its new office in Europe. Beginning in November, 2009, Michael Rogosin, a veteran DDS business manager is responsible for Twin Oaks Computing’s business development in Europe, the Middle East, and Africa (EMEA). Michael is available to answer questions, assist clients and engage with opportunities where a high-performance, commercial grade, or small footprint version of DDS is required. Twin Oaks Computing is also currently looking for high-quality distributors throughout EMEA.
Twin Oaks Computing’s CoreDX DDS product will be of interest to all development teams looking for a competitively priced, quality DDS implementation.
Using DDS can save your team many man-months of complex network communication coding and testing in a typical project. CoreDX DDS provides a simple to implement real-time publish subscribe middleware with tunable quality of service.
Twin Oaks Computing, a US company founded by two former Lockheed Martin executives with over 30 years DoD Domain Experience, have developed CoreDX DDS, the world-leading small footprint DDS implementation that features full compatibility with existing implementations using the RTPS (Real-Time Publish Subscribe Interoperability) protocol. Interoperability with RTI and PrismTech implementations was demonstrated at the March 2009 OMG Technical Meeting and at the July 2009 OMG DDS Workshop.
The Twin Oaks Computing implementation differentiates itself in several key ways:
- Small footprint (measured in KB not MB) – eg. DDS Ping application is 250KB compared to competition’s 4.5MB!
- Low Line of Code Count – important for certifying in safety critical applications
- Fast – high throughput, low latency – architected, developed and optimized for speed
- Advanced support for multi-core architectures
- User-friendly licensing options
- More flexible training and support options
- Free trials, IR&D and University licenses
If you would like to discuss your requirements or obtain further details, please contact Michael at his Office: +33 (0)4 92 98 94 88 or Mobile: +33 (0)6 11 16 01 39 or email him at