Content filters implemented at the source
This page ( says that Content filters can be implemented at the source or destination.
How could I implement a content filter the source?
This page ( says that Content filters can be implemented at the source or destination.
How could I implement a content filter the source?
RE: Content filters implemented at the source
Content Filtering at the source (DataWriter) is enabled by default. It can be controlled by the 'DataWriterQos.rtps_writer.apply_filters' QoS policy. If this flag set to true, then the Writer will apply content filters before transmitting data.
If any matched DataReader is associated with a ContentFiltered topic, then the DataWriter will apply the filter(s) before sending data. In this case, the data is written 'unicast' to each matched Reader if, and only if, the data passes the filter.
If no matched DataReader is associated with a ContentFiltered topic, then no filtering is performed, and the data may be written via 'multicast' to reach multiple Readers.
Thank you, it´s really
Thank you, it´s really helpful.