Content Filtered Topic


I am using Content Filtered Topics with success but I have one simple logical expression that I am not able to make.

I have one topic that has a “boolean ping” field. I have tried the logical expressions below but they do not work.

“ping”, “ping = true”, “ping = 1”

I have used other filters as “ID = %0” and it works properly.

How could I make that logical expression with Boolean types?

Platform: Windows_x86_vs2008
Version: 3.4.0_p6

Thank you in advance,


Re: Content Filtered Topic

Hello Rafael,

Booleans are treated as integers in the content filter expressions. So,

"ping = 1" (or any non-zero integer) is be the correct expression for filtering on "true" and
"ping = 0" is the correct expression for filtering on "false".

That being said, we will take a look to see if there is anything else that might be causing your issue.


Hello Nina, thank you for

Hello Nina,

thank you for support. It is working fine.